What are the causes of Gum Pain

causes of gum pain

The main cause of Gum Pain is poor oral hygiene, but you may be surprised to learn that brushing or flossing too hard is also very common cause of pain in the gum.

Other than this general causes, there are many other causes of Gum Pain. And Gum pain can range from minor irritating to severe. So, ranges the a the cause of gum pains.

Causes of Gum Pain

Some common causes of gum pain include...

Canker sores: Small, painful ulcers that can occur on the gums, which occurs due to mouth injuries, or an impaired immune system, or other underlying health issues.

Cuts or Injuries: Sometimes Dry and hard Food and objects entering the mouth can cause minor cuts or injuries to the gums and teeth. A person might also accidentally bite on the gums, which can cause pain and bleeding.

Gum disease: This condition occurs when bacteria build up under the gums and cause inflammation and bleeding. It is also know as gingivitis. Without treatment, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis and lead to loose teeth. People who smoke are at a higher risk for gum disease than nonsmokers.

Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, can cause a person to experience swelling, pain, and bleeding in the gums.

Improper flossing or brushing techniques: As mentioned before improper Brushing or flossing too carelessly can sometimes cause the gums to bleed and gum you pain.

Sinusitis: A bacterial or viral infection in the sinuses can cause swelling and pain.

Tooth abscess: A bacterial infection in the root of a tooth can cause an abscess. Tooth abscesses can lead to gum swelling and pain. They can also be serious and spread to other parts of the body, so it is essential to see a dentist quickly.

Potential Remedies:

So, if you have Gum Pain use soft tooth bursh and brush your tooth gently. Taking care of these simple things can reduce the risk by a huge margin.

Gargle Salt water: Gargle once daily. Prepare a gargle by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt with some warm water.

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